
Incase you have not read the previous, here PART III – KILLING ME SOFTLY

PAUL: We both took nap after lunch, read a-little here and there till it was dinner. “You hungry?” I asked, my eyes glued to her ass “Not really, but if you order dinner I’ll probably take a bite of yours,”
“Gotcha.” Paul responded.
She sits on the bed after I order some steak “Did
you order wine?”
“Red,” I smiled. She loves red wine, and is something I noticed ………We’re living together, That’s true.

“I talked with my landlord, he said my
apartment will only be ready in two weeks”. I
wanted to fist the air in triumph. Living with Tisha ………I don’t know who I should thank.

You’re more than welcome to stay, you know that.
I love having you around the house.”
That seems to brighten her whole day “Thank you, I love living there too.”

Tish is almost halfway down on the bottle of wine,
I’ve only had a glass. Her eyes are dreamy and I
Notice she’s started to loosen up.
“You shouldn’t shave as often,” her words take me
by surprise.
“Why’s that?”
“You look better with some scruff, not that you look bad clean shaved but a little scruff makes you look. sexier.”
“I guess I’m throwing my razors to the rubbish”
then, Paul said with smiles
“If I said I like you more in lingerie would you walk around the house with those?”
“Do you?” I said with a sexy teasing grin
“I’d be lying if I said no,” Paul smirked.

“Me in lingerie for you in boxers?” I laugh at that
“Oh, it’s a deal, love,”
I lay on the bed and she follows. She lays extremely close to me, you’re making it so hard to me to behave Tisha. Fuck!!, I thought.
“Then I guess you’ll be seeing me wearing these
around the house more,” she plays with the side of her panties and fuck am I liking this new side of her……the tipsy side.
“You better control yourself because then I’ll be the one who won’t stop,” I warn her and she smirks.
I didn’t want to do anything and regret later so I slipped under the covers and within minutes I was asleep half drunk.

——————//—————-//——————//———-those who were expecting something to happen in Paris…… 😛😛😝😝😝😝———//————-//—

Back at the office on Tuesday things are normal.
Paul never spoke about what had happened
between us on Saturday night when I was feeling
confident and daring, and I never spoke about his
massive erection pressing against me the
following morning.
I didn’t join him for our usual morning runs.
Instead, I stayed at home and used the extra time
to get ready.

Will it hurt to have some fun by texting him again or the stranger again …..I needed it. I mean, a couple of sexting never hurt anyone. And believe it or not I have been horny and suppressing it.

I texted him how much I was missing him and what I will do to him if he was in my arms at the moment. I check from time to time at work if he had responded but I didn’t get any
replies until four.

“So you tell me what you will do to me darling. Is been a while”.

Considering I just texted you after weeks that makes me desperate. I miss u and thinking about you, I think I want you.
Good. I’ll take care of it, don’t worry. He responded.
Oh yeah? How are you going to take care of it?

Licking that pussy might be a good start……

“God, you’re killing me with that dirty mouth of

“We’re just getting started. Give me an hour to get
home, I’ll drive you insane……”

There’s a massive knock on my door and I jump in my seat “Tisha, Think we can go home for the day?” Paul asked.
“Sure,” I got up and follow him to the car.

At this point I couldn’t wait to lock myself in the room. I’m so turned on and being next to Paul doesn’t help.
When we get to the house we both rush upstairs
and close our room’s door, I knew at this point he didn’t know who and at this point, I was sure it’s him.

I instantly grabbed my phone, there’s no reply yet, so I take that time to undress off my work clothes and put my robe on. As I’m tying the robe my phone buzzes and I jump to the bed.
“I’m home, you ready for me?”
More than ready. Think you can make me wet?
“I’m sure by the end of this you’ll be dripping.”
“Really? What are you going to do to make me that wet?”
“We can dirty talk or we could change nudes. Your choice, kitten. I can do both”.
“I’m down for the nudes but no face.”
“Of course, this is how you got me.”
I bite my lip as I see the picture he sent me, his dick is so beautifully crafted, hard and big. I can’t possibly believe this is true.🍆
“Is that even you?”
“Of course, it is. What do you want me to do to prove it?”

“ I don’t know? Write my username in your hand?”
And he fucking does it. He snaps another picture of his proud dick in his hand with his username on the side. Damn is him. Is Paul, is Mr French.
Fuck, this is real.
“Believe me now, kitten?”
“Yes, sorry. Your dick is too good to be true,”
“Have to admit, I never heard that one before”. “How about you? Snap a picture for, daddy.”
“Daddy? 😂 Ok, I think I can do that.” So I obey
and snap a picture of my body covered in the robe, my nipples totally hard.
Fuck. You have a gorgeous body, perfect tits.

“Thank you. But for someone who promised I’d be
dripping, I’m not wet, at all,” I lied because I was dripping wet. I wanted to hurt his fucking ego.
“You’re lying, princess. You nipples gave u away so you are gonna get punished.”

“Oh? And what’s the punishing going to be?”
“I think spanking will do the trick. “

“I think I enjoy those too much for them to be
“How about restraining?”
“That’s more like it. I don’t think I could take my
fingers off you.”
“You’re crazy, princess. It’s going to be fun messing with you.”
“Good, that’s all I want from my daddy,” I responded.
“Look how hard you’re getting me, princess”
My hand instantly goes to the middle of my legs,
fuck does his dick look good. I want to wrap my
mouth around it.

I want to suck your cock really bad.
Oh yeah? I can say the same about your tits.
I’m feeling daring so I take a picture of my boobs.
Good God, princess. “Do you like having your
nipples played with?”

“Yes I love it.”

“They’d be sore after I’m done with them.
Fuck!! “
Yes, then I’d fuck you hard but before I’d lick your
pussy. Let you come in my mouth.
Yes, daddy.
Jeez, you might want to slow down.
No. I’m so close.
Come for daddy and show me your wet pussy
And I fucking do. I come hard, holding my moans
because of Paul’s next door and I flash a picture of my pussy for him. That might have made me
“So fucking pretty.”
He then sends me a video of him jerking off and
I’m turned on all over again. He looks so hot, his
arm veins make me wild and I can see by his torso that he’s a big guy.
Shit, that video made me come all over again.
I admit.
Glad that happened. “Your pussy made me come in a heartbeat. So hot.”
“I need to go now, tomorrow at the same hour?
Hell yeah, see you, princess.”

Wow. I just did that. I’m fucking crazy.
I took a shower and after putting my Pjs on I went to the kitchen where I found Paul getting ready to
“Let me help you,” I said
“Not a chance. Go choose the wine, meet me in
“he rushes me out of the kitchen. I need to
cook for him one of these days, he won’t want
anything else.
I return just as he’s putting something in the oven.
“You never let me cook,”
“You’re a guest.” he shrugs.
“When I cook for you, you won’t care about me
being a guest. You won’t want me to stop, ever,” I
“Are you saying I’m a bad cook?” he jokes.

“Never,” I wink at him and go sit on the couch.
That night we had dinner and ended up watching a movie in his house theater, needless to say, I fell
asleep on the goddamn couch. And when I wake up in the middle of the night Paul is dead asleep next to me, his hand around my waist.
We’re face to face, he looks so peaceful. I take this
moment to see how long his eyelashes are, how his scruff is growing as I told him to do back in Paris.
I’m so lost on his beauty that I don’t see him
opening his eyes and groaning.
“What time is it?” is voice’s raspy and sexy.
“I have no idea,” I answer, his grip tightens around me and he hides his face near my neck “Paul!!
“Yes?” his voice’s barely audible.
“Are we going to spend the night on this couch?” I
Murmured lightly.
“Will you sleep with me in my bed?” it’s like I can
imagine him smirking and his eyebrow slightly
“Not gonna lie, it feels damn good.


NB: As always, I encourage everyone to provide feedback on these short stories. I seek to make every story I write as real as possible. Any feedback that helps me improve is greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing my mind with you all. Comment, like ⭐️ and share.