Physical and emotional intimacy and connection is very important in marriage.

It takes work to keep your relationship together before the kids arrive but takes even more work after the kids arrive.

Keeping the romance alive in your marriage will not only make you a happier person, it will make you a better parent.

The happiest, most well-adjusted children come from a home where Mommy and Daddy truly love each other and express it too.

It’s been researched that kids sense when their parents are upset or in conflict even if their parents are not openly fighting.

From even academic reports, kids whose parents are fighting don’t do well as they tend to feel responsible for their parents conflict.

The key to marital satisfaction lies in how couples manage the decision-making process. Is not whether they have problems, because everyone does. But when babies come along, there are a lot more issues and differences in opinions to negotiate and the couples’ ability to do so with cooperation and respect make or break the marriage. But lets talk strictly about romance tips…….only 10 tips

Tip 1

Instead of just a peck on the cheek when leaving for work, take 10 seconds for a real lip lock.

Don’t forget to tell each other  ‘I love you,‘ or ‘I’m still in love with you before you both set out on your daily errands.

Tip 2

Spoil Your Spouse, Not Your Kids. One of the very best things you can do for your kids is to put your spouse first! Strong marriages make strong families. Not only does it provide your children with a sense of safety and security, but it shows them what real love should look like. If you are always putting your children before your spouse, you are not doing them any favors. In fact, you’re doing them a great disservice.

Tip 3

Physical touch should be happening regularly – and I’m talking about outside of the bedroom, too! Give him/her a little love tap as you’re passing by the hall, hold hands when you’re driving in the car, or pause for a quick dance in the kitchen.

Ladies, nibble on his ear before you join to watch the TV. To the men, spank your wives as you quickly pass by the kitchen, women love it, especially when you make them feel irresistible.

Sometimes parents back off on the PDA because they don’t want to gross out the kids. But go ahead and gross out the kids, is very healthy for them.

Obviously you want to keep things G-rated in front of them, but it’s okay for them to see you kissing, cuddling, dancing, and being in love! In fact, it’s good for them. Part of our job as parents is to model what a strong marriage looks like. Besides, I don’t know about you but, I never want my children to question whether or not I love their dad. I want it to be blaringly obvious.

Tip 4

Never stop being his girlfriend or boyfriend!Don’t lose the playful, fun part of your relationship ,that’s where all the romance is! Don’t stop flirting! Especially at home. Adapt to and learn the art of flirting in front of your children.

Tip 5

Leave love notes, sent naughty text and emails. And don’t forget …… the small gift here and there to show appreciation for just being there.

Tip 6

Don’t play the “who’s doing more work” or “who has it harder” game. The truth is, being a mom is hard. Being a dad is hard. But you have to remember that you’re on the same team. If one of you loses, you both lose. Instead of complaining and comparing, work together to support, complement, and encourage each other.

You should be your spouse’s biggest fan and cheerleader. Not the rival or competitor. Take time to continue sharing your hopes and dreams with each other. (Create a bucket list – include things you consider both doable and far-fetched; nothing is too small or big

Tip 7

Make Love to Stay in Love.

Making love is one of the best ways to stay in love. It’s about a lot more than just sex. Intimacy is like the glue in a marriage. Besides being fun and creating a stronger marital connection and bond, it also has some pretty nice benefits too………………

Tip 8

Shower together, Yes, It’s something you have to do anyway, so do it together. Once kids are down for the night, both hop into a steamy shower and talk about whatever’s on our minds. Let your troubles and fears go ‘down the drain,’ relax, and enjoy each other

Tip 9

Show you care by finding one new thing to compliment him or her each day, even if it’s just that he shaved his sideburns in a particularly sexy way today or she styled her hair in a new way.

Appreciate all his or her efforts.

Fatherhood and motherhood is not an easy job

Tip 10

Don’t Give Up- Marriage is not a one-time commitment or act, it’s a continuous decision. Marriage is about choosing each other again and again, every day. It’s about forgiving, learning, and growing. It’s about falling in love with each other over and over again. It’s the little things we choose to do each day.

Pray for each other. Serve each other. Appreciate each other.

Love only diminishes when we stop giving it, so never stop.



I am passionate about this topic, marriage.

As always, I encourage everyone to provide feedback on these short write ups. I seek to make every story I write as relatable as possible. Any feedback that helps me improve is greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing my “mind” with you all. Comment below, share and like.

Love always ?
